October 1978

October 7: AstroAssembly

Fast Polishing a Perforated Schmidt Cassegrain Primary

Ronald Harger
October 7: AstroAssembly

My Experience With Electronic Drive Corrector Construction

Ronald Harger
October 7: AstroAssembly

An International Cooperative Effort to Determine Asteroid Sizes by Occultation

William Penhallow
October 7: AstroAssembly

A Visit to Yerkes Observatory and the Adler Planetarium

Steve Siok
October 7: AstroAssembly

The Earth as Seen From Space

Norm Sperling
October 7: AstroAssembly

The Lurie Aplanatic Telescope

Ed Turco
October 7: AstroAssembly

Microcomputers and the Amateur Astronomer

George East
October 7: AstroAssembly

Current Increases in Solar Activity and Resultant Auroral Displays

James English
October 7: AstroAssembly

Formation of the Aurora Alert Hotline

Dave Huestis
October 7: AstroAssembly

Current Increases in Solar Activity and Resultant Auroral Displays

Brian Magaw
October 7: AstroAssembly

Gravity Waves and Black Holes

Larry Smarr

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