December 2004

December 3: Monthly Meeting

The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolas Copernicus

Owen Gingerich

Comet Machholz in the Northern Sky

: By Dave Huestis
Comet Machholz is now traversing the circumpolar sky a few degrees from Polaris. With the bright moon and it receding from the inner solar system, it should still be visible in binoculars and small telescopes.

Mid-December Meteor Shower

: By Dave Huestis
The final meteor shower of 2004 is the Geminids of December, now undeniably the most reliable meteor shower of the year. This year the peak is on the night of December 13-14, Monday night to Tuesday morning. Though it is unfortunate that its peak is on a week night, observing conditions make this shower the one you should get out there and watch.

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