April 2008

April 4: Monthly Meeting

Inflationary Cosmology

Alan Guth
Dr. Alan Guth, Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is best known for the “inflationary” theory of cosmology in which many features of our universe, including how it came to be so uniform and why it began so close to the critical density can be explained by. Dr. Guth is the author of The Inflationary Universe, the Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins, Alan Guth, A Golden Age of Cosmology and other publications. He will be presenting a talk entitled “Inflationary Cosmology.”

April begins our 2008-2009 fiscal year and membership dues are once again payable. There is a renewal form on the back page of the April issue of The Skyscraper. If you joined during January, February, or March, you do not have to renew until April 2008.

Elections will be held at the April meeting. There is a ballot form in the April issue of The Skyscraper. Bring it with you to the April meeting or follow the mailing instructions on the ballot form.

A Selection of Double Stars in Cancer

: By Glenn Chaple
For our spring double star selection, we’ll say goodbye to Gemini and shift eastward to the faint constellation Cancer. Notable for its bright Messier cluster M44 (the Praesepe), Cancer is also home to a splendid array of double and multiple stars. How many can you notch? (Data from the Washington Double Star Catalog (WDS)

April Lyrids Meteor Shower

: By Dave Huestis
A bright gibbous Moon, only two days past full, will drown out all but the brightest of the April Lyrid meteors pm April 22-23.

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