March 2018

March 2019 President’s message

By Steve Hubbard

Welcome to spring! (Almost). As I write this, there is still snow on the ground and it’s cold out. When I have been able to get out and peek at the night sky, I can see the Constellation of Leo starting to rise above the horizon along with Ursa Major. Both of these constellations herald the arrival of spring, better weather and hopefully more observing.

Spring is the time of the galaxies. Constellations such as Leo, Virgo, Ursa Major, Lynx and others are just stuffed full of galaxies for us to see, many of them quite bright and easy to find. 

Now that we are starting to break the grip of winter, we can start to look forward and do some planning for the rest of the year.  

In 2019, it is my goal to set up some member observing events once again, starting in April. By popular demand, we will try these out on Friday nights and see how things go. Along with this, I hope that you can make our March meeting. Long time member Jeff Padell will be giving us a presentation about the observing programs available from the Astronomical League. These should tie in nicely with our efforts at doing some more member observing events. 

I hope you all can make to this meeting, it promises to be informative and helpful. Watch your emails and this publication for more updates about future group observing opportunities. 

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