By now, we have all enjoyed the Full Sturgeon Moon of August; however, as it occurred so early in the month, we are having a second Full Moon, on August 30th. But, does it have a name? We can’t call it the Harvest Moon, as that’s pretty much reserved for September.

Normally, a second Full Moon in a month is referred to as a Blue Moon, the reason for it seemingly lost in obscurity. In fact, there are two definitions for this name, but we’ll just keep this one for now. Also, we heard that this past week’s Full phase was considered a supermoon, as it was in its close proximity to us, at 222,171 miles, and therefore it should have appeared fairly large. However, the second Full Moon this month will be even closer, at 222,043 miles. Apparently, in addition to being a Blue Moon, we can refer to it as a SUPER-supermoon. Enjoy the closeness of the Moon all this month.