President's Message: March 2011

President's Message: March 2011

by Tom Thibault

I’m sure all of you are feeling as I do, enough with the snow. Tis winter has been one storm after the other and as I write to all of you, forecasts are calling for the possibility of a couple more in the near future. I’m not sure what has gotten Old Man Winter’s dander up, but let’s hope he decides to calm down and give us a break.  Hopefully, he and Punxsutawney Phil are good buds. Phil has predicted an early spring and possibly can persuade the Old Man to have mercy on us all.

Dave Huestis and Craig Cortis were our featured speakers at the February meeting, and both provided interesting presentations. Dave’s “You Can Slooh” focused on the ability for anyone for a minimal fee can capture astronomical pictures in their home from remote telescopes at observatories associated with Project Slooh. Craig’s “Where the Southern Cross Rises” was an overview of the recent trip Jim Hendrickson and Craig made to the Big Cypress area in the Everglades, Florida. It highlighted the fact that many southern hemisphere astronomical targets are accessible to those who may visit the area. Hey Jim, what was that noise, a gator?

Our portion of the business meeting included Bob Forgiel presenting certifcates of appreciation from the Night Sky Network for public outreach participation. Recipients included Dave Huestis, Jim Brenek, Jim Crawford, Jim Hendrickson, Glenn Jackson, Tom Barbish, John Leonelli, John Kocur, Bing Kubaska, Bob Forgiel, and yours truly. Tanks to all of you for your eforts in sharing the wonders of the night sky with the public. Let me also extend a special thanks to Roger Forsythe and his eforts with the Night Sky Network and insuring Skyscrapers is recognized for its on-going Public Outreach Programs.

Lastly, at the February Meeting I announced the appointment of Linda Bergemann to head the Election Committee and Ed Haskell the Nomination Committee for our upcoming April Elections. Ed has recruited both Dave Huestis and Steve Siok to assist him in soliciting and selecting nominees. It is Ed Haskell’s intention to announce the selected candidates nominated by the committee for this year’s elections at the March Meeting.
If you have an interest in increasing your contributions to the continued traditions of Skyscrapers, please contact Ed Haskell, Dave Huestis, or Steve Siok to be considered for a position this year.

Clear Skies