President's Message: February 2012

President's Message: February 2012

by Tom Thibault

Well, it appears Old Man Winter has decided to take it easy on us this season. I can only assume he feels badly for the beating he laid upon us last winter…the likes of which I do not wish to see for many years to come. Can you believe Groundhog Day has already arrived? Let’s all hope Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his burrow and fails to gaze upon his shadow. If we’re lucky, the remainder of this year’s winter will be mild, allowing us to take in the pleasures of the gems displayed in the winter sky.

January’s Meeting featured the film “The City Dark”. Francine Jackson shared the film that Frosty Drew received from the town of Charlestown, RI. The membership was treated to a great film, soda, and popcorn. The film was well done and informative. We are at risk of losing that connection we all have with the universe. As light pollution washes out the stars of the night sky, we all need to support the efforts to stop this trend. We can all do our part by voicing our concerns to our elected officials and educating the public. Francine extended an invitation for our use of the film for those purposes. Feel free to contact Francine if you have an interest.

February’s Meeting will feature our own Gerry Dyck. Gerry will be providing us with an entertaining presentation of “Astronomical Poetry” through the ages. I personally enjoy the rhythm of music while enjoying the serenity of viewing. In most cases, poetry is music without the accompanying instruments. The solitude during viewing has the ability to inspire and a good verse can be the result. So, come join us as Gerry presents a number of examples of verse scribed in the past.

Now that we’re in 2012, Skyscrapers has a busy agenda. Our elections and budget approval are quickly approaching. Maintenance and property improvements are in the planning. Public Nights and Outreach Programs will continue our mission to educate our members and the public. Before we know it, October will be creeping up and our premier event AstroAssembly will be upon us. So, I urge all with an interest to get involved, to volunteer when you can and join in the activities that makes Skyscrapers such a great organization.

Feel free to approach any member of our Executive Committee, Trustee’s, Observatory Committee, and Outreach Coordinators if you have an interest in becoming more involved in the organizations activities. We welcome all membership contributions and input. Skyscrapers is an outstanding organization and it’s all because of our membership.

I look forward to seeing all of you at our February Meeting.

Clear Skies
Tom Thibault