Mark Sweberg

Mark Sweberg is an adjunct Reference Librarian and Instructor at the Community College of Rhode Island where he has worked for over 20 years.  An engaged community volunteer, outdoors enthusiast, and committed lifelong learner, his thirst for knowledge informs his pursuits.  His stargazing at Seagrave Observatory evokes memories of steamy, light polluted Brooklyn nights, and of a 10 year old stealing into the darkness and sitting on well worn manhole covers, pondering the moon and a couple of stars, dreaming the dreams of a boy. Follow his “Rhode Trips”, a monthly Rhode Island travel column at

Last updated: June 15, 2013

Comet Lovejoy meets Venus

I had driven down to Point Judith, ostensibly to look for Comet Lovejoy. The previous week, Comet ISON, which the media had heralded as a possible comet of the century, dominated the conversation during Thanksgiving dinner. Hopes were raised that it would emerge from its rendezvous with the Sun and make good on that prediction. With much disappointment, ISON did not long survive that encounter. Yet, the astronomy community was abuzz with the prominence of several other comets, principal among them, Comet Lovejoy.
Bob's Aurora Borealis

Bob's Aurora Borealis

Some of us will have the awesome experience of viewing the northern lights in Alaska in the wintertime. It is something I look forward to myself. I look forward to viewing the amazing displays of dancing lights, and of having my breath taken away, as so frequently occurs among fascinated viewers.
Fly Me to the Moon

Fly Me to the Moon

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men to land on the Moon. Earth’s multitudes sighed a collective sigh of relief when the scratchy transmission, “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed,” echoed around the globe. A jubilant world came together as one, for those precious, glorious moments.
Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset

I fashion myself a crepuscular mammal; alert and active at dawn and dusk, I gain inspiration from the subtle interplay of the changing light at the ends of the day. Be it hopeful anticipation as the rising sun infuses the sky with its warm radiance, or the peace and serenity evoked as it sets, I love these times of day.


Light is awesome. It’s something we take for granted every day; we certainly don’t stop and think about it often or try and define it. Let’s give light its due and take a few minutes to understand some things about it.