Mid-Autumn Festival

September 2023  :  Francine Jackson

As the Moon is a symbol for family reunion, the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is an evening celebration where families gather together to light lanterns, eat Moon cakes, and appreciate the roundness of the Full Moon. Because this time of year marks the end of harvest time, it was a time to give thanks for all they have, and to encourage the harvest-giving light to return again in the coming years.

Mooncakes have a major importance in the Chinese culture. As roundness symbolizes completeness and togetherness, the round cakes complement the Harvest Moon during their festival.

In addition, the rabbit is an important part of this time. Not only is he considered an adorable animal, but also a selfless one that in many legends is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of many. As such, he is honored by living on the Moon. Many of us can see the bunny, made up of the Moon’s surface features, during the Full Moon phase.

The Mid-Autumn Festival runs this year from September 29th to October 6th. Although the festival normally is celebrated for three days, this year’s is extended to eight because of the celebration of China National Day, which begins October 1st and continues through the following week.