Can this be true? NASA is actually looking to retrieve cockroach carcasses?

Apparently, after the return of Apollo 11, several milligrams of returned Moon dust were fed to three cockroaches, and other small creatures, to test whether bringing back samples of lunar materials could pose any threat to terrestrial life. The result seemed to show no evidence of harmful agents. The roaches were sent to the University of Minnesota, where they were dissected by a staff entomologist.

However, somehow the roaches and leftover Moon dust were never returned to NASA, but were kept by the scientist at her home. Her daughter sold them, and they are now being sold by an unknown party.

NASA is now asking the company to stop the sale of these materials, which could actually sell for $400,000, stating that, All Apollo samples. . . belong to NASA, and no person, university or other entity has. . . permission to keep them after analysis, destruction, other use. . . especially for sale or individual display.” It is said the present owner is working with NASA to return the roaches and lunar material back to the federal government.