
Observing Projects for Ophiuchus

May Constellations & Folklore

: By Francine Jackson
As the sky begins to remind us that a new month is approaching, we are able to see a constellation that is often forgotten, but much more important than we usually let on.

IC 4665

: By Glenn Chaple
One reason for IC 4665’s relative anonymity is its large size, allowing it to elude the narrow fields of large-aperture telescopes. Charles Messier and William Herschel missed it, and it wasn’t included in the New General Catalogue. This often-overlooked cluster is definitely a must-see object for binoculars and rich-field telescopes.
A Starhop Through Scutum

A Starhop Through Scutum

: By Craig Cortis
The Wild Duck Cluster, M11 is one of the many highlights to be seen in and around the Scutum Star Cloud using binoculars and small telescopes.

Summer Double Stars

: By Nan D'Antuono
The same hazy summer skies that provide excellent views of the planets also bring many double stars within reach of the small-scope user, some of which are close pairs. Here are just a few of these stars, waiting to be observed before the Square of Pegasus rises to announce that fall is but three months away.