Pack 11 Coventry: April 2023

Pack 11 Coventry: April 2023

by Francine Jackson

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, Jim Hendrickson and Francine Jackson were invited to spend time at Sts. John and Paul Church in Coventry outside with Chris Schuler’s young scouts of Pack 11 Coventry. As it was still daytime, we could not show anything in the sky, but Jim set up an Astroscan and pointed it at a nearby tree.

We also, using cardboard cutouts of the Sun, Moon and Earth, had the children take turns showing how the Earth travels around the Sun, and the Moon moves around the Earth, as the Earth is going around the Sun. Mr. Schuler then asked what the distances were to these objects, and proceeded to move the Sun fairly far away in the yard, then had the Moon and Sun take time, with one of the fathers, to move around the Sun as far away as the bodies could. Although it wasn’t really far proportionally, it was enough to show how far away distances in space can be, even when they appear fairly close.

After answering a few questions, mainly about being astronauts, it was time for their meeting to be over. This program showed that, even at a young age, children are fascinated with the sky, and we should continue to offer programs for them.