What do you see when you look at the Moon?

August 2013  :  Francine Jackson

Quick! Look at the Moon! What do you see?

Have you ever looked at the Moon, especially during the waxing and waning gibbous phases, and seen some type of shape? Normally, we speak about the Man on the Moon, but there are a lot of other images that people see; all you need is your imagination.

The typical shape is the Man, visible with his two eyes, a simulated nose, and a mouth looking like the "Oh, no!" of Mr. Bill. However, because of the beautiful myth of the rabbit, there's the very easy set of rabbit ears passing over the top of the surface; and yet, at a recent conference, one of the presenters saw the bunny shape directly opposite, where the "ears" have now become his back legs.

And, what about the Ant? Using the traditional bunny, his ears now become insect antennae - or, maybe crab claws. And, now I've heard of a Gibson girl, complete with bun, or, maybe a woman reading a book.

Quick! What do you see?