AstroAssembly 2022 Astrophoto Contest

For AstroAssembly 2022 we are continuing the tradition of showcasing our attendees latest astrophotography and letting you, the attendees judge the winners. Since the program schedule is going virtual this year, the astrophoto contest is as well.

Astrophoto submissions should be from the past 12 months, and fit into one of the following categories: 

  • Landscape: Wide-angle or telephoto image containing an astronomical subject with terrestrial foreground.

  • Solar System: Subject contains any object within the solar system: Sun, Moon, planets, comets, asteroids, etc.

  • Deep Sky: Subject is any object or objects outside of the solar system.

Image requirements

  • Images will be displayed on the WWW, so please save your processed image in JPG or PNG format only. Images should be < 32MB in size. No additional processing or resizing will be done on received images.

  • Images should not be marked with the photographer’s name or any other identifying information.

  • Please limit submissions to one per entrant per category.

  • Email images to and include “AstroAssembly photo” in the subject line.

  • Along with the image, please include in the description, name and email, name of object, date taken, equipment used (or name and location of remote telescope), exposure details, and any specific processing used to produce the final image.

  • Deadline for submissions is Thursday, September 29, at 12 noon EDT.

Presentation and voting

  • Images will be displayed on the Skyscrapers web site beginning on Friday, September 30 at 12 noon and a link to an online voting form will be made available to choose one selection from each category.

  • Winners will be announced and displayed after the final presentation on Saturday.