Lets All Observe Neptune’s First Year Anniversary

October 2011  :  Steve Siok

September 23, 2011 marks the 165th anniversary of the discovery of Neptune by Johann Galle of the Berlin Observatory based on calculations made by LaVerrier in France. The discovery took place in 1846. Because it takes Neptune 165 years to orbit the sun, this year marks the first full “year” or trip around the sun since Neptune’s discovery.

The Trustees and Observatory Committee are inviting every Skyscrapers member to commemorate this event with a special observing invitation. Every Skyscrapers member is challenged to observe both Uranus and Neptune over the next few months. Why both? Well, remember that it was because of perturbations in Uranus’ orbit that led LaVerrier and Adams in England to suggest that Neptune might exist. In addition the planets are quite close to each other in the sky. Uranus, at magnitude 5.8, is located in Pisces. Two hours in R.A. to the West is Neptune, at magnitude 7.9. It is located in Aquarius. If you have been faithfully reading “The Skyscraper” you may remember Jim placed an ephemeris of each planet in the September issue.

Everyone is not expected to find the planets on their own. You are invited to observe at Seagrave, Ladd or Frosty Drew observatories with the help of someone finding them for you. Or you can observe with your own scope from your favorite observing site.

The trustees are placing a poster on the wall in the Clark anteroom. Fill it out once you have completed your observations. You do not need to see both planets on the same night. Just provide the date, time of each observation along with the size of instrument and location, along with any comments you would like to make. If you cannot make it to Seagrave please send your observation info to Steve Siok by e-mail. ssiok@cox.net

Let’s all get out in the clear Fall weather and make this a successful observing project for all Skyscrapers.